Die Vision von IGA ist es, die weltweit führende beratende Personalvermittlungsmarke zu werden

Kleine Dinge, grosse Auswirkungen

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IGA Talent Solutions ist Teil des Hamilton Bradshaw-Portfolios

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Genau wie das Flattern der Flügel eines Schmetterlings auf der einen Seite der Welt einen massiven Einfluss auf die andere haben kann, sind es oft die winzigen Details, die den grössten Unterschied ausmachen.
Die Erfahrung hat uns gelehrt, dass selbst das kleinste Element unseres Prozesses einen massiven Einfluss auf Ihren haben kann. Deshalb denken wir, obwohl wir grosse Ziele haben, auch immer an die kleinen Dinge...
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"IGA feel different to the other recruiters. They are like a trusted advisor, and are cognisant of your own style and needs. Having been both a candidate and hiring manager, I have experienced the value they bring to both parties and would always go to them first"

Alice Boreman, Director, EY

"I have worked with James on a number of occasions over the last five years and have the utmost respect for his professionalism, as well as his ability to uncover talent and opportunities and to  bring these together effortlessly. His personable manner and relaxed style demonstrate his commitment to his clients and to delivering carefully considered resourcing solutions"

Deon Dryer, Managing Director, Ortec Finance

"Oliver delivered to a high standard, was approachable and helpful, a pleasure to work with"

Jemma Peel, Contingent Hire Manager, Liberty Global